This was in part because I am leaving my job to move back to The Netherlands soon, and up until now I had CC installed on my office Mac.

Then, around the end of November, I had some time again and wanted to organize my photos. I kind of left it at that for the time being as I ended up busy with other projects and work. Classic did not have this limitation so in it my photos showed up correctly categorized under their creation year/month, but as this was not correctly imported I ended up with most of my photos made in 20 showing up unordered in a "no date" category. This means that my photos lack the meta information modern cameras inject, including their shot date, which CC seems to rely on fully instead of (also) looking at the file's creation date. Most of the photos I make are film photos, digitally scanned for organizing and all that. Unfortunately, this is where one annoyance popped up already. This took a little bit, but was relatively quick.

So I signed up, and used the built-in feature to import my Classic library into CC. I had been using what Adobe started calling Lightroom Classic for a few years up until this point, but as I wasn't sure how much longer this app would continue to exist (or be supported), and because I didn't mind basically having an off-site backup backed into the plan, I wanted to give CC a real try. If you commit to a year-long subscription, the monthly cost is $9.99, which isn't too bad, although certainly not cheap either. As part of my Great Data Reorganizing of 2018, I had followed my colleague and signed up for a personal Adobe Lightroom subscription.